Art for Water

Through art we bring people together to reflect and discuss about water – An initiative for the Middle East.

The social, political, and sectarian landscape in the Arab world is highly complex. Conflicts on various levels are no surprise. Among many other reasons, water contributes to more challenges in the region: Water, in terms of availability, water sharing, and water use.

However at the same time water management offers the opportunity to bring people together, to foster dialogue, and to bring constructive interaction.

Today, the conflict landscape in the region is very tricky. To an extent, where people do not even talk to each other anymore. Not even about water.

This initiative supports artists and art that tell about water. To bring people together. To let the public reflect about our common resource. To foster cooperation.

Do you plan a performance?  A comic, painting, or sculpture? Dance show or short film? Get in contact with us!

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